Where are you from? Boston, MA
Tell us how your journey has been from your beginnings until now: I have been active as a singer\songwriter\pianist\
Tell us about your musical style, influences: Foundation was rock, pop and metal between 1965-1975. Naturally I am always being influenced by what is around me.
What has been your last project? The album "Everything is Subject to Change" released world-wide 2015.
And the next thing you have planned? Currently a new album is in production and a new book of verse set for publication June 1, 2018.
Upcoming concerts, events: Serious heart failure prevents me from performing (my one true love as it was). Event? The release of the book "Boston Dialect, Volume One" on June 1, 2018.
Links of interest:
paultaittunes.com (Official web site)
youtube.com/oldnewbie47 (Main - Top Videos)
youtube.com/oldnewbie50 (Oldies - some video blogs)
youtube.com/asphaltspreader (Video blogs and covers)
What's else? I have been a professional actor and a Technical Writer.
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