COREIGN is a Swiss Progressive Hard Rock Studio Band
Band Name COREIGN (Brittnau, Switzerland, Europa)
Band Members Curry (voc, dr progr, k, b-voc, composition, lyrics)
Reto (k, g, b progr, b-voc, composition, lyrics)
Genre Progressive Hard Rock
As a composer couple, they however write songs across many
Genres and it thus is very common for them to release also
compositions and songs like Symphonic, Ballad, Funk, Blues, Rock,
Punk and many more, and in any blend and sort of cross-over style
containing Gothic, Classical, Film, Musicals and other elements.
Band founded in June 2016 (former CORE, March 2014 to March 2016)
* Album Gravity (released March 2018)
* Album Continuity (released October 2017)
* EP Silence (released July 2017, 6 Songs)
* Album Infinity (released July 2017, 13 Songs)
* Album Lucidity (released April 2017, 13 Songs)
* Album Equality (released November 2016, 13 Songs)
* Album Affinity (released September 2016, 14 songs)
* Album Sphere (released August 2016, 13 songs)
Videography First two music-videos with song lyrics on YouTube. More (real)
Band videos are planned.
Actual Works / Presentations
* Radio Airplay / Rotations on 150+ Radio Stations worldwide.
* Recording their 8th Album soon to be released.
* Production of Jingles for several Radio Shows.
* Live and/or Online Interviews and Album reviews.
3 Top 10/20 Rankings on Radio Station Shows in last 3 months.
* Featured Artist of March 2018 Playlist at Darkland Promotions.
* Featured Song on CoreMusick Promotions Compilation.
Special Information
* COREIGN is a studio band. Curry and Reto, a married couple,
compose, arrange, play, record, mix, master and produce all by
themselves. As a Studio Band they do not perform “on stage”.
* Experiences with guest musicians on album Lucidity and Gravity.
(General Information as of April 2018)
Band Biography
While Progressive Hard Rock is sort of a least-deviant drawer to describe COREIGNs style,
Curry and Reto, a married composer couple, however write songs across many Genres and it
thus is very common for them to release also compositions and songs like Symphonic, Ballad,
Funk, Blues, Rock, Punk and many more, and in any blend and sort of cross-over style
containing, but not limited to Gothic, Classic, Film and Musical elements. It somehow is this
ability of blending many influences into a song, while always sounding in their very unique
COREIGN-style that makes this Band a musical Chameleon.
Starting in April 2013 it soon became clear that, when two composers with similar taste and
the ability to cover all instruments meet, this would be the blast. Choosing CORE [2013-2016]
as their first band name thus was the obvious, reflecting this "inner circle" feeling of the two.
While first the production of existing compositions was the goal, they soon started to
compose songs together, mixing their wide variety of influences into their new combined
song material.
Curry is fond of progressive rock and bands like "Within Temptation", "Evanescence" or
"Nightwish", Reto's influences mainly stem from hard rock, metal and punk bands like "Led
Zeppelin", "Cure", "Ufo" and many others. Having Rock Music as their melting point play
ground, they released 7 Albums, 1 EP and 1 Single between March 2014 and March 2016,
produced all by themselves within an ultra-short time. Using few correction and re-recording,
their songs keep a very vivid and live-sounding character that prefers the authentic, direct,
raw and pure sounding over the nowadays over-corrected and over-produced.
Due to the fact that there are hundreds of Bands by the Name of CORE, they decided to
rename their Band to COREIGN, starting in June 2016. And up to date, they keep a very high
pace of producing one new album every few months and are thus constantly working on
their next album...
Their goal is to further improve in crafting and technical production, still doing everything on
their own: composing, arranging, playing, recording, mixing, mastering and producing; all is
done by themselves. And, be assured, they will keep on interpreting "progressive" more as
"avant-garde" than as a fixed Genre and they will surprise us again with new compositions,
that in a very exact sense would reflect what the definition of Jazz would mean: absorbing
just every possible influence, combining it anew, and bringing it out again surprising...
Band Members
Vocals, drums programming, keys, backing vocals, composing, lyrics.
Born 1982 in Zurich, Switzerland. Started to play instruments (flutes and clarinet) in her
childhood. In her youth she started to play piano and electric guitar. At the age of 17 she
discovered her passion for the drums. She gathered experiences in several band workshops
and played the drums in a rock band. Additionally she started singing.
She composed her first song at the age of 14 and had composed 80 songs already when she
met with Reto. Using a Fostex 16-track recorder, microphone, digital Yamaha electronic
piano and Roland sound module (different instruments, synthesizer, vocals), she completed
the songs to whole arrangements, composed, arranged, played, recorded and produced all
by herself. She also composed 2 Musicals. Since she is together with Reto, they compose the
new songs mostly together.
Keys, guitars, bass programming, backing vocals, composing, lyrics.
Born 1964 in Zofingen, Switzerland. Started to play piano and trumpet in his childhood. First
TV appearance at the age of 13. First recordings at the age of 14. Joined his first rock band at
the age of 17 as keyboarder. Played for many years in several different bands and jam
sessions with a lot of people as keyboarder and guitar player.
He composed his first song at the age of 12, started recording with a Teac 4-track recorder
on his own and later worked together with other home- and semi-professional studios. He
had composed more than 50 songs by the time he met with Curry and since then is
composing new songs mostly together with her.