(UTC+1, Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris)
Listen on http://bit.ly/opho84F
PlayTime | Artist | Title |
02/08/2019 5:00 | Bound By Years via @434management | Hopeless |
02/08/2019 5:04 | Tone Locked @tonelocked | 'Cause I'm Paranoid |
02/08/2019 5:08 | Brenda Dirk @brendadirkmusic via @oddball_music | Killin' It |
02/08/2019 5:11 | Midnight Kahuna @midnightkahuna | Diamond |
02/08/2019 5:15 | Jamendo 7 | Jamendo 7 |
02/08/2019 5:16 | The Bucket Factory @bucket_factory | Sliding Windows |
02/08/2019 5:20 | Vanderocker @vanderocker via @quitegreat | Creature of Habit |
02/08/2019 5:23 | Silk9 @silk9rocks | I Won't Carry You |
02/08/2019 5:26 | PurNie @pur_nie | Astral |
02/08/2019 5:30 | Schott Treatment via @quitegreat | Being |
02/08/2019 5:34 | Circus Redux @circusredux | Home Front |
02/08/2019 5:38 | Ardeth Bey @ardeth_beyuk via @veritybroughall | The Lord Keeps Killing Me |
02/08/2019 5:42 | Vix 20 @vixtwenty via @i_pr_things | The Digital Age |
02/08/2019 5:45 | Jamendo 8 | Jamendo 8 |
02/08/2019 5:45 | Pearl Handled Revolver @pearlhandledrev via @sanpruk | In My Blood |
02/08/2019 5:48 | Jay Clark Band @thejayclarkband via @urbandisavirus | Alive |
02/08/2019 5:51 | Joe Antaine @joeantainemusic via @manillaprltd | Awaiting The Storm |
02/08/2019 5:54 | Danny Liles @dannyliles2 | Watch The Sun |
02/08/2019 5:58 | Cotard | Anastasis |
02/08/2019 6:02 | Eric & The Soo @ericthesoo | Goulais Bay |
02/08/2019 6:07 | Black Dreams @black_dreams_fi via @inverserecords | We Love Dead People |
02/08/2019 6:13 | Ten Foot Pole @tenfootpoleband via @yvonnes_world | Everything Dies |
02/08/2019 6:15 | Jamendo 2 | Jamendo 2 |
02/08/2019 6:15 | DAY OLD HATE @dayoldhate2015 | FILTH |
02/08/2019 6:18 | Tensei @realtensei ft feat. Georgia Anne Muldrow @jahjahmuldrow | Walk It Out |
02/08/2019 6:23 | 9 Sundays @9sundays | Beautiful Day |
02/08/2019 6:26 | Fifteen Lions @fifteen_lions via @manillaprltd | Tell the World |
02/08/2019 6:30 | Michael Jablonka @jablonka01 via @lostinthemanor | Go Go |
02/08/2019 6:34 | Come At The King @comeattthekinguk | Where's That Smile Boy |
02/08/2019 6:37 | RumRunners @rumrunnersuk via @infinitehive | Devil In Me |
02/08/2019 6:40 | Day @punkprog via @quitegreat | Potential Crisis |
02/08/2019 6:42 | Ruled By Raptors @ruledbyraptors via @sanpruk | Braggart |
02/08/2019 6:45 | Jamendo 4 | Jamendo 4 |
02/08/2019 6:46 | Hostile Within @hostilewithin via @curtaincallgrp | Wasted Time |
02/08/2019 6:50 | Keith Shaw @keithshawmusic | Goin' Home |
02/08/2019 6:54 | The Brae | Start it right now [Radio Edit] |
02/08/2019 6:58 | Panic State @panicstateband via @manillaprltd | Free |
02/08/2019 7:01 | Geezer via @mettlemediapr | Spiral Fires Part 1 |
02/08/2019 7:07 | Ben Blackett @blackettmusic via @i_pr_things | Winter Nights Journey |
02/08/2019 7:13 | Graham Bodenham @grahambodenham | Fantasy Girl remix |
02/08/2019 7:15 | Jamendo | Jamendo |
02/08/2019 7:16 | National Pornografik via @sanpruk | VINEGAR MAN |
02/08/2019 7:19 | Twister via @globalsoundgrp | 64 White Lies |
02/08/2019 7:24 | The Last Ghost @thelastghost3 | The Distance |
02/08/2019 7:27 | Trident Waters @trident_waters via @sanpruk | Be So Bad |
02/08/2019 7:31 | Akiva @akivamusic via @lostinthemanor | Broken Ship |
02/08/2019 7:35 | PONI CAPRI @ridewithponi via @quitegreat | FLOOD OUT |
02/08/2019 7:37 | TraumeR via @records_roar | History |
02/08/2019 7:42 | Tribes of Europe & Barbara Stretch @europetribes | You Don't Speak For Me |
02/08/2019 7:45 | Jamendo 5 | Jamendo 5 |
02/08/2019 7:46 | 3's and 7's @3sand7sband | Stars (Live) |
02/08/2019 7:51 | Indie Butterflies Dream @indiebdream | RadioZombie |
02/08/2019 7:54 | Winner Life Music @winnerworks | Winner Life Music "Fly Away" |
02/08/2019 7:58 | Todd Barrow @toddbarrowmusic | Outlaw In Me |
02/08/2019 8:01 | Verse Simmonds @versesimmonds via atltop20 | Gunstown |
02/08/2019 8:04 | Jet Black Motorcade @jbmotorcade | WEARING OUT A DREAM |
02/08/2019 8:09 | Wolforna @wolfornaband | The Fleet |
02/08/2019 8:13 | Rick Springfield @rickspringfield via @quitegreat | Irreplaceable |
02/08/2019 8:15 | Jamendo | Jamendo |
02/08/2019 8:16 | Bamil Gutierrez Collado @bamilmusic | The Shiner Side Of Life |
02/08/2019 8:21 | Adam Hyman @adamh1966 | The Grayman |
02/08/2019 8:24 | Black Oxygen @blackoxygen1 via @curtaincallgrp | Everything |
02/08/2019 8:28 | Tense Machine @tensemachine | Best Mistake |
02/08/2019 8:31 | Michael Frazer @michael_fraz3r | The Bridge |
02/08/2019 8:35 | BlackSxord @lornereid | Medicated |
02/08/2019 8:39 | Jack Slams Rabbit @jackr4abbitslams via @sanpruk | Crackerjack |
02/08/2019 8:43 | Rob Georg @georg_rob via @i_pr_things | Push That Horn |
02/08/2019 8:45 | Jamendo 9 | Jamendo 9 |
02/08/2019 8:47 | James W. Bell @jameswbellmusic | One |
02/08/2019 8:49 | Jane in Space @janeinspaceband via @urbandisavirus | 06 Thru the Vines |
02/08/2019 8:55 | Dar.Ra @kushadepp via @i_pr_things | Rock Steady |
02/08/2019 9:00 | Type-7 @type7metal via @veritybroughall | The Intersteller Traveller |
02/08/2019 9:05 | Se7en Sense @se7en_sense via @httrecords | Ridin! |
02/08/2019 9:07 | Lethbridge Owen @lethowenmusic via @manillaprltd | Re-inspire |
02/08/2019 9:12 | Mariana Murdocca @marianamurdocc1 via @jdelfino13 | Too Late |
02/08/2019 9:15 | Jamendo 9 | Jamendo 9 |
02/08/2019 9:16 | Anna Wolf @realannawolf via @lostinthemanor | Silence |
02/08/2019 9:19 | Danny Beardsley @dannyrbeardsley via @sanpruk | This Fool |
02/08/2019 9:22 | Neil Taylor @neiltaylor1 via @i_pr_things | Unbroken (Radio Edit) |
02/08/2019 9:26 | Your Screaming Silence @your_screaming via @curtaincallgrp | You Don't Care |
02/08/2019 9:30 | Never The Bride @neverthebride via @quitegreat | The Girls Are Back In Town |
02/08/2019 9:35 | Blackwater Commotion va Concorde Music Company | You'd Better Hide Out |
02/08/2019 9:39 | Regina @reginatheband | Mother |
02/08/2019 9:44 | Unlocking The Truth @uttband | Mama |
02/08/2019 9:45 | Jamendo | Jamendo |
02/08/2019 9:48 | Then Falls The Sky @thenfallsthesky | Unreal |
02/08/2019 9:52 | Rayon Nelson @rayonnelson via @lostinthemanor | Granny |
02/08/2019 9:57 | Forlorn Hope @forlornhopeband via @sanpruk | Badajoz |
02/08/2019 10:02 | Robert Machado @rmachadomusic | Locked Room |
02/08/2019 10:07 | Call to the Faithful @cttfband | Ultraviolet Wasteland |
02/08/2019 10:11 | Carter & the Capitals via @oddball_music | Good Try |
02/08/2019 10:14 | I±igo Montoya via @echoorange | NUIT BLANCHE V2 |
02/08/2019 10:15 | Jamendo 4 | Jamendo 4 |
02/08/2019 10:18 | Bad Analogy @badanalogyband | In The Distance |
02/08/2019 10:22 | 3DBostonClassic @3dbostonclassic | Everything But Peace |
02/08/2019 10:26 | Daniel Shaw @danielshawmusic via @quitegreat | Used To Be |
02/08/2019 10:30 | Paul Maged @themagedman | Nightstalker |
02/08/2019 10:34 | Jaykle @jaykle | A Better Life |
02/08/2019 10:38 | Operation Neptune Spear @the1shez | Bearers of the Word |
02/08/2019 10:42 | Revolution Rabbit Deluxe @revrabbitdeluxe | Tarred And Feathered |
02/08/2019 10:45 | Jamendo 6 | Jamendo 6 |
02/08/2019 10:47 | The Erotics @theerotics | Dirty Little Secret |
02/08/2019 10:50 | Caster Volor @castervolor | Black Leather Middle Finger |
02/08/2019 10:54 | Chris Medlock @medlocksongs | hangover waiting |
02/08/2019 10:58 | Mutant-Thoughts @mutant_thoughts via @kim_waves | Surefooting |
PlayTime | Artist | Title |
02/08/2019 11:02 | Modern Mimes @modernmimes via @curtaincallgrp | Mind Lies |
02/08/2019 11:05 | Spreading the Disease via @veritybroughall | The Anger Inside |
02/08/2019 11:09 | GEARS @officialgears1 via @curtaincallgrp | TANGO YANKEE FT. LAJON WITHERSPOON OF SEVENDUST |
02/08/2019 11:12 | Freeman @freemanroknroll via @i_pr_things | London Nights |
02/08/2019 11:15 | Jamendo 5 | Jamendo 5 |
02/08/2019 11:15 | Tone Locked @tonelocked | Times No Friend |
02/08/2019 11:19 | Humphrey via @quitegreat | Now And Forever |
02/08/2019 11:22 | Chuck Eaton @chuckeatonmusic | The only problem for me |
02/08/2019 11:27 | Dealazer @dealazer | Labor is the Drug of the Liberty |
02/08/2019 11:32 | Schott Treatment via @quitegreat | Being |
02/08/2019 11:36 | UFORIA @uforiaband | Crawl |
02/08/2019 11:39 | Driive @driiveband | Icarus |
02/08/2019 11:45 | Jamendo 3 | Jamendo 3 |
02/08/2019 11:46 | For The Legion @for_the_legion | Thin Air |
02/08/2019 11:49 | Bristol Kids @walshjames78 | Miracle Mile |
02/08/2019 11:52 | Kingdom Collapse @kingdomcollapse via @curtaincallgrp | Bring Me Down |
02/08/2019 11:56 | Cathal J @cathalmusic via @thesoundlabuk | Ain't Backing Down |
02/08/2019 11:59 | Circus Redux @circusredux | Home Front |
02/08/2019 12:04 | Inner Image @innerimagemusic via @434management | Breaking Even |
02/08/2019 12:09 | JP23Lyrics @jp23lyrics | The Lyin' (feat. Steve Dillon) |
02/08/2019 12:13 | Sabine Kerssemakers @_sabineofficial | Under |
02/08/2019 12:15 | Jamendo 2 | Jamendo 2 |
02/08/2019 12:16 | Floating Worlds @floating_worlds via @quitegreat | Captain Evil |
02/08/2019 12:21 | BOYD BROZ @brosboyd | Adrift In It (Wayzata Mix) |
02/08/2019 12:27 | Abbey Falls @abbeyfallsmusic | The Awkward Song |
02/08/2019 12:30 | Lester Franco @iamlesterfranco via @globalsoundgrp | Toxic |
02/08/2019 12:35 | Vix 20 @vixtwenty via @i_pr_things | Angel On My Jet Ski |
02/08/2019 12:39 | Paul LeRocq @paullerocq | Cruel Destiny |
02/08/2019 12:41 | Joel Rothwell @joelrothwell via @quitegreat | Just Don't Know |
02/08/2019 12:45 | Jamendo 4 | Jamendo 4 |
02/08/2019 12:45 | Silent @bandsilent | The Sound |
02/08/2019 12:50 | Creatures of Clay @codiewestwood | LEFT OR RIGHT |
02/08/2019 12:53 | Hunting Holly @hunting_holly via @thesoundlabuk | 22 Miles |
02/08/2019 12:56 | Rasha Jay @rashajay | High Diver |
02/08/2019 13:00 | Dark Stares @dark_stares via @sanpruk | Mr Midnight |
02/08/2019 13:03 | Adam Pearce @adampearce via @434management | Mirrors |
02/08/2019 13:07 | DAVES @wearedaves | I Drank the Beer |
02/08/2019 13:10 | Alakazam @alakazamtheband | Dog in Heat |
02/08/2019 13:13 | Neon Insect; KVMILLA @neoninsect | Fist, Hit, Cracking Bones |
02/08/2019 13:15 | Jamendo 3 | Jamendo 3 |
02/08/2019 13:17 | Downfall 2012 @downfall2012 via @yvonnes_world | Attack Point |
02/08/2019 13:21 | Reveal @revealmetalband via @wormholedeath | I'm Elric |
02/08/2019 13:26 | The Bucket Factory @bucket_factory | Sliding Windows |
02/08/2019 13:30 | ThraVine @thravine_dk via @tubeitstudio | Shine On |
02/08/2019 13:33 | National Pornografik via @sanpruk | VINEGAR MAN |
02/08/2019 13:36 | Salt River Shakedown @srshakedown via @sanpruk | Numb |
02/08/2019 13:40 | AHMED SOULTAN @soultanahmed via @quitegreat | Draw My Life |
02/08/2019 13:44 | Remedies @thisisremedies | Delusions |
02/08/2019 13:45 | Jamendo 9 | Jamendo 9 |
02/08/2019 13:48 | Adam Lanceley @adamlanceley via @quitegreat | Are You More |
02/08/2019 13:51 | Feathers, Wood 'N' String @featherswns | Synthetic |
02/08/2019 13:55 | Woodfish @woodfishband | Stained |
02/08/2019 13:58 | Evrim Tuzun @evrimtuzun | Short |
02/08/2019 13:59 | Vertilizar @vertilizar_band | What About Us (Rock Version) |
02/08/2019 14:04 | Shane O'Neill-Curly Turban @curlyturban | Glitters |
02/08/2019 14:08 | Jonathan Linton | Magic Pill |
02/08/2019 14:12 | Graham Bodenham @grahambodenham | Fantasy Girl remix |
02/08/2019 14:15 | Jamendo 2 | Jamendo 2 |
02/08/2019 14:15 | Sincere Dixon @sincereondabeat via @atltop20 | My Money |
02/08/2019 14:18 | Spring.Fall.Sea @springfallsea via @sanpruk | Strangers |
02/08/2019 14:22 | J.Delfino @jdelfino13 | Aurora Sky |
02/08/2019 14:25 | EKLECTIK | SO YOU SAY |
02/08/2019 14:29 | Yard Of Blondes @yardofblondes | Murderology |
02/08/2019 14:34 | Lemonade Kid @lemonade_kid | Send Me Away |
02/08/2019 14:36 | United Duality with Elizabeth @unitedduality @ek_everts | See-Saw |
02/08/2019 14:39 | íQue Asco! @queascotwit | Marigolds |
02/08/2019 14:43 | Michael Frazer @michael_fraz3r | The Bridge |
02/08/2019 14:45 | Jamendo | Jamendo |
02/08/2019 14:47 | tHE wASHINTGON pROJECT @wasingproject via @shorediverecord | rED wORM |
02/08/2019 14:51 | Grey Goes Down @greygoesdown | Terminal |
02/08/2019 14:55 | Teatrum via The Coalition @mackinents | Stay |
02/08/2019 14:59 | The Senton Bombs @thesentonbombs via @manillaprltd | Bury the Hatchet |
02/08/2019 15:02 | Ugochill @ugochill | Familiar |
02/08/2019 15:07 | Sense Of Fear via @angelsprmp | Black Hole |
02/08/2019 15:12 | Lotus In Stereo @lotusintstereo via @curtaincallgrp | Looking For Something |
02/08/2019 15:15 | Jamendo | Jamendo |
02/08/2019 15:16 | Only Total @onlytotal via @quitegrat | Faith |
02/08/2019 15:21 | Fire in the Field @fireinthefield | Under the Sun |
02/08/2019 15:24 | J°rgen Sandvik @jorgen_sandvik via @singstad_music | Regrets |
02/08/2019 15:27 | Jean Marc Vignolo @jeanmarcvignolo | The Gate Of Time |
02/08/2019 15:31 | No Free Rides @nofreerides | Venge |
02/08/2019 15:35 | Manelik @joeaabrammusic | Be As You Are |
02/08/2019 15:39 | Pearl Handled Revolver @pearlhandledrev via @sanpruk | The Switch |
02/08/2019 15:42 | Tirade @tiradeband via @sanpruk | To Be Honest |
02/08/2019 15:45 | Jamendo 10 | Jamendo 10 |
02/08/2019 15:45 | Eldor Valak @eldorvalak via @bigindiegiant | Let Me Out |
02/08/2019 15:49 | Fine Soft Day @finesoftdayband via Crowflies Communications | River |
02/08/2019 15:55 | 3's and 7's @3sand7sband | Free Entities (Live) |
02/08/2019 15:59 | The Woods @ohyeahthewoods via @lostinthemanor | ARMCHAIR EXPERT |
02/08/2019 16:03 | Eil Marchini via @quitegreat | Honey Bones |
02/08/2019 16:07 | Asila @asilaband | The Mistress |
02/08/2019 16:11 | Dramalove @dramaloveband via @thesoundlabuk | Lady Macbeth |
02/08/2019 16:14 | Rocketsmith @rocketsmithuk1 via @quitegreat | Give Love |
02/08/2019 16:15 | Jamendo 4 | Jamendo 4 |
02/08/2019 16:18 | Rayon Nelson @rayonnelson via @lostinthemanor | Made Of Gold |
02/08/2019 16:23 | Wild Horse @wildhorserockuk | LISTEN! Stop Messing Around - Radio Edit |
02/08/2019 16:26 | Lori Jean @lorifinnila | Never Thought Of You |
02/08/2019 16:31 | Black Water Greed @blackwatergreed via @yvonnes_world | Walk Away |
02/08/2019 16:35 | Lion s Share | Chain Child |
02/08/2019 16:39 | sofie elezaj via @bongoboyrecords | When It's Over |
02/08/2019 16:42 | Neon Insect @neoninsect | It's Gotta Be Me |
02/08/2019 16:45 | Jamendo 9 | Jamendo 9 |
02/08/2019 16:46 | Blackwater Commotion | Long Hard Ride |
02/08/2019 16:50 | The Simple Radicals @simpleradicals via @curtaincallgrp | Medicate (Album) |
02/08/2019 16:54 | Ms. Madness @msmadnessmusic | Replacement Therapy |
02/08/2019 16:59 | Sad Iron via @wormholedeath | Revolution |
PlayTime | Artist | Title |
02/08/2019 17:04 | Goldenboy @goldenboybergen | Old & Boring |
02/08/2019 17:08 | Sister Switchblade @sistersblade | Tales And Taboos |
02/08/2019 17:09 | Elizabeth Everts @ek_everts | Said I Wanna |
02/08/2019 17:13 | Vineeth V G @luciferaintzeni | Pacific |
02/08/2019 17:15 | Jamendo 8 | Jamendo 8 |
02/08/2019 17:17 | Caustic Minds @caustic_minds via @sanpruk | Destroyer |
02/08/2019 17:20 | Svet Kant @svetkant via @wormholedeath | Personae Contra Natura |
02/08/2019 17:27 | Audio Chaos @audiochaos2 | Una Notte Elettrificata |
02/08/2019 17:32 | Forlorn Hope @forlornhopeband via @sanpruk | Badajoz |
02/08/2019 17:38 | Keith Shaw @keithshawmusic | Goin' Home |
02/08/2019 17:41 | Dimaggio Jones @_dimaggiojones via @thesoundlabuk | Spanish Air |
02/08/2019 17:45 | Jamendo 8 | Jamendo 8 |
02/08/2019 17:46 | Floorboards @floorboardspunx via @sanpruk | Low |
02/08/2019 17:49 | Freeman @freemanroknroll via @i_pr_things | London Nights |
02/08/2019 17:51 | Twister via @globalsoundgrp | 64 White Lies |
02/08/2019 17:56 | Never The Bride @neverthebride via @quitegreat | The Girls Are Back In Town |
02/08/2019 18:01 | The Bay feat. Joy Tyson via @springstoff | Kybela (Original) |
02/08/2019 18:06 | The Dead Daisies @thedeaddaisies via @curtaincallgrp | Join Together |
02/08/2019 18:10 | Rob Georg @georg_rob via @i_pr_things | Sunsets At The Ranch |
02/08/2019 18:14 | Solidify @solidifybandok via @curtaincallgrp | In Flames |
02/08/2019 18:15 | Jamendo 2 | Jamendo 2 |
02/08/2019 18:17 | Your Screaming Silence @your_screaming via @curtaincallgrp | You Don't Care |
02/08/2019 18:21 | Stone Forte @stonefortemusic via The Future Music | Stand By (Radio Edit) |
02/08/2019 18:24 | StrangeJuice via @urbandisavirus | Home Shopping |
02/08/2019 18:27 | RocknRoll Suicidez via @quitegreat | Spectrum |
02/08/2019 18:30 | Marco Pernice @voxpopulilive | waiting for the spring |
02/08/2019 18:37 | Danny Goring @danny_gorring via @d8musicfinland | The Blinding Light |
02/08/2019 18:41 | Paul Maged @themagedman | Nightstalker |
02/08/2019 18:45 | Jamendo 10 | Jamendo 10 |
02/08/2019 18:45 | Hostile Within @hostilewithin via @curtaincallgrp | Wasted Time |
02/08/2019 18:49 | Grey Goes Black @greygoesblack via @shorediverecord | It's Not Just Another Night |
02/08/2019 18:53 | Come At The King @comeattthekinguk | Where's That Smile Boy |
02/08/2019 18:57 | Mai Eve via @quitegreat | I Will Love You |
02/08/2019 19:01 | Silk9 @silk9rocks | I Won't Carry You |
02/08/2019 19:05 | Eoin Glackin @eoinglackin via @manillaprltd | Eva |
02/08/2019 19:08 | Eric & The Soo @ericthesoo | Goulais Bay |
02/08/2019 19:13 | Pelle Lundblad Music @pellelundblad | A Girl Like You |
02/08/2019 19:15 | Jamendo 9 | Jamendo 9 |
02/08/2019 19:16 | Ian Prowse @ianprowse via @manillaprltd | Something's Changed |
02/08/2019 19:18 | SINNER @sinnerband via @judith_fisher | Fiesta Y Copas |
02/08/2019 19:21 | Madeintyo @madeintyo via @atltop20 | Chucky Cheese |
02/08/2019 19:24 | FALLING APART via @veritybroughall | Flying Rats |
02/08/2019 19:26 | Schott Treatment via @quitegreat | Being |
02/08/2019 19:30 | Indie Butterflies Dream @indiebdream | RadioZombie |
02/08/2019 19:33 | Winner Life Music @winnerworks | Winner Life Music "Flowers On The Battlefield" |
02/08/2019 19:36 | Dar.Ra @kushadepp via @i_pr_things | Rock Steady |
02/08/2019 19:42 | Day @punkprog via @quitegreat | Potential Crisis |
02/08/2019 19:44 | Conspires To @conspiresto @veritybroughall | At The Gates |
02/08/2019 19:45 | Jamendo 4 | Jamendo 4 |
02/08/2019 19:48 | Brenda Dirk @brendadirkmusic via @oddball_music | Killin' It |
02/08/2019 19:52 | Mariana Murdocca @marianamurdocc1 via @jdelfino13 | Too Late |
02/08/2019 19:56 | United Duality feat. Tony Mac @unitedduality | Peanuts |
02/08/2019 20:01 | DARKSOFT @darks0ft via @bigindiegiant | WANNACRY |
02/08/2019 20:05 | Dominic Rowley @domrowleymusic via @quitegreat | Song For You |
02/08/2019 20:09 | 9 Sundays @9sundays | Gone Away |
02/08/2019 20:14 | Keiton @KeitBlues | Indeed I Said |
02/08/2019 20:15 | Jamendo 6 | Jamendo 6 |
02/08/2019 20:18 | The KC Sisters @thekcsisters via @trillionauthor | Empty Promises |
02/08/2019 20:22 | Crows in The Cornfield @crowcaptain | Arkansas |
02/08/2019 20:27 | Feathers, Wood 'N' String @featherswns | Synthetic |
02/08/2019 20:31 | Bexatron @_bexatron via @landerpr | Trash |
02/08/2019 20:35 | Adam Lanceley @adamlanceley via @quitegreat | Nights on de dance floor |
02/08/2019 20:39 | Gj÷ll @metalgjoll via @wormholedeath | Residual |
02/08/2019 20:43 | KALA CHNG @kalachng via @thesoundlabuk | Lights Out |
02/08/2019 20:45 | Jamendo 4 | Jamendo 4 |
02/08/2019 20:47 | Viscula @visculauk | Just Go |
02/08/2019 20:51 | Fifteen Lions @fifteen_lions via @manillaprltd | Tell the World |
02/08/2019 20:54 | Lee Rice @leericemusic | Helping Hands |
02/08/2019 20:56 | Killing Tyranny @killingtyranny via @curtaincallgrp | Sleeper Awake |
02/08/2019 20:59 | Trace The Sidewalk @tracesidewalk | Today |
02/08/2019 21:04 | Resolve @resolveoff via @redtoadmusic | Of Silk And Straw |
02/08/2019 21:08 | Cat Hall Angeles @2_dissonance | Go Fight Remix |
02/08/2019 21:12 | The Chitlins @the_chitlins | On The Grind |
02/08/2019 21:15 | Jamendo 8 | Jamendo 8 |
02/08/2019 21:16 | Circus Redux @circusredux | Serpentine |
02/08/2019 21:20 | Guy Paul Thibault @gpthibault | Talk To Me (Radio Edit) |
02/08/2019 21:24 | Bethnie Rose @bethnierose | Over |
02/08/2019 21:27 | Verse Simmonds @versesimmonds via atltop20 | Gunstown |
02/08/2019 21:31 | Revolution Rabbit Deluxe @revrabbitdeluxe | In God We Trust |
02/08/2019 21:35 | Todd Barrow @toddbarrowmusic | Outlaw In Me |
02/08/2019 21:37 | Dave Molter @molter_dave bia @bigindiegiant | Be The Sunshine |
02/08/2019 21:42 | One In The Chamber @oitcband | Bills To Pay |
02/08/2019 21:45 | Jamendo 9 | Jamendo 9 |
02/08/2019 21:46 | strawkites @keithstrawkites | standing on the egde of time |
02/08/2019 21:52 | Creatures of Clay @codiewestwood | LEFT OR RIGHT |
02/08/2019 21:55 | Annprincess @annprincess91 via @quitegreat | Wild Things |
02/08/2019 21:58 | Jaykle @jaykle | A Better Life |
02/08/2019 22:02 | Adrenaline Animals @the_aa_club via @manillaprltd | Spend All My Money |
02/08/2019 22:05 | PurNie @pur_nie | Butterflies |
02/08/2019 22:12 | Lemonade Kid @lemonade_kid | Are You Listening |
02/08/2019 22:15 | Jamendo 5 | Jamendo 5 |
02/08/2019 22:15 | Man eat Grass @maneatgrass | Ya Mouth, Tain't there for Talking |
02/08/2019 22:18 | The Bucket Factory @bucket_factory | Sliding Windows |
02/08/2019 22:21 | Silent @bandsilent | The Sound |
02/08/2019 22:26 | National Pornografik via @sanpruk | I WISH |
02/08/2019 22:30 | BlackFront Ink @blackfrontink via @434management | Fu MAng Yu |
02/08/2019 22:35 | Dee Rocks via @drjohssurgery1 | Wild Mustang |
02/08/2019 22:39 | Eddy Yang @eddyyangmusic via @urbandisavirus | On Our Way (Into The Night) |
02/08/2019 22:44 | Liam J Jackson @liamjjackson86 | Real Bad Woman |
02/08/2019 22:45 | Jamendo 10 | Jamendo 10 |
02/08/2019 22:48 | Destiny Returns @destinyreturns | Here And Now |
02/08/2019 22:53 | Chuck Eaton @chuckeatonmusic | The only problem for me |
02/08/2019 22:58 | King Ibex @kingibexuk | Concussion |
PlayTime | Artist | Title |
02/08/2019 23:01 | Pablo Mercedes @pablo_rocksey_m | Give Us One More Beer |
02/08/2019 23:04 | Aliens via @manillaprltd | Long Way to Run |
02/08/2019 23:08 | Dealazer @dealazer | Moment Of Truth (Half Freestyle) |
02/08/2019 23:13 | Teatrum via The Coalition @mackinents | Footprints in the dust |
02/08/2019 23:15 | Jamendo 3 | Jamendo 3 |
02/08/2019 23:15 | Victims of the New Math @vnmmusic | Today It's Getting Better |
02/08/2019 23:18 | Goldenboy @goldenboybergen | Old & Boring |
02/08/2019 23:21 | Refuge @refuge_kenya | Gone Astray |
02/08/2019 23:26 | Magg Dylan via @434management | I am SADnessS |
02/08/2019 23:30 | Jean Marc Vignolo @jeanmarcvignolo | The Gate Of Time |
02/08/2019 23:34 | Vix 20 @vixtwenty via @i_pr_things | Angel On My Jet Ski |
02/08/2019 23:38 | Wiyaala @wiyaala via @quitegreat | Satellite Baby |
02/08/2019 23:42 | TREMENDOUS @tremendousrocks | Bag Of Nails |
02/08/2019 23:45 | Jamendo | Jamendo |
02/08/2019 23:45 | DAY OLD HATE @dayoldhate2015 | FILTH |
02/08/2019 23:49 | Danny Liles @dannyliles2 | Watch The Sun |
02/08/2019 23:52 | Unveil The Sense @unveilthesenses via @angelsprmp | Prisoner |
02/08/2019 23:57 | Matlen Starsley Band @matlenstarsley | Rollin' Again |
03/08/2019 0:01 | Remedies @thisisremedies | Delusions |
03/08/2019 0:05 | Bastette @bastetteuk | Hunter |
03/08/2019 0:08 | Resolve @resolveoff via @krodrecords | Terra Mater |
03/08/2019 0:12 | Caster Volor @castervolor | Black Leather Middle Finger |
03/08/2019 0:15 | Jamendo 7 | Jamendo 7 |
03/08/2019 0:16 | Dark Bottle via Concorde Music Company @inverserecords | 02 Little Sadie |
03/08/2019 0:18 | GEARS @officialgears1 via @curtaincallgrp | TANGO YANKEE FT. LAJON WITHERSPOON OF SEVENDUST |
03/08/2019 0:22 | Gene Phillips Music @genephillipsmu | Bright Lights |
03/08/2019 0:25 | The Atoms @officialatoms via @globalsoundgrp | Idea X |
03/08/2019 0:28 | Z▄HLKE @zuhlkeofficial via @d8muscifinland | Gonna Leave My Sorry Ass |
03/08/2019 0:31 | Post Profit @post_profit via @curtaincallgrp | Same Sad Song |
03/08/2019 0:34 | NKOS @nkos_official via @lostinthemanor | Little Miss Numb |
03/08/2019 0:38 | Acme Blaze @acme_blaze | Kiss In The Dark |
03/08/2019 0:42 | Fragile Cratures @fragilecreature | Heartstrings |
03/08/2019 0:45 | Jamendo 7 | Jamendo 7 |
03/08/2019 0:46 | Tense Machine @tensemachine | I Won't Throw It Away |
03/08/2019 0:49 | The Last Ghost @thelastghost3 | The Distance |
03/08/2019 0:53 | Danny Goring @danny_gorring via @d8musicfinland | The Blinding Light |
03/08/2019 0:56 | A2B, Pumpkin Spice & Bugie ft. Adriana Roy, Amoura Teese, BeBe Sweetbriar @bebesweetbria @amourateese @theadrianaroy via @i_pr_things | Read My Mind |
03/08/2019 1:01 | Unlocking The Truth @uttband | Pretend |
03/08/2019 1:05 | Woodfish @woodfishband | Stained |
03/08/2019 1:09 | Akiva @akivamusic via @lostinthemanor | Broken Ship |
03/08/2019 1:13 | Jesse De La O | Hard Times |
03/08/2019 1:15 | Jamendo 8 | Jamendo 8 |
03/08/2019 1:16 | Solidify @solidifybandok via @curtaincallgrp | In Flames |
03/08/2019 1:20 | Superego @superegojtr via @shorediverecord | Space Cats |
03/08/2019 1:23 | HIGH; LOW @wearehighlow | Road (I'm not Superman) |
03/08/2019 1:25 | Trident Waters @trident_waters via @sanpruk | Be So Bad |
03/08/2019 1:29 | Nocturne Wulf @nocturnewulf via @sanpruk | Necrodancer |
03/08/2019 1:33 | Carter & the Capitals via @oddball_music | Good Try |
03/08/2019 1:37 | United Duality with Elizabeth @unitedduality @ek_everts | See-Saw |
03/08/2019 1:39 | Poni Capri @ridewithponi via @quitegreat | Rich Sex |
03/08/2019 1:42 | For The Legion @for_the_legion | Always Out Of Time, Never Out Of Breath |
03/08/2019 1:45 | Jamendo 8 | Jamendo 8 |
03/08/2019 1:45 | Michael Jablonka @jablonka01 via @lostinthemanor | Go Go |
03/08/2019 1:49 | Streambleed @streambleedband via @wormholedeath | Hated and Destroyed |
03/08/2019 1:53 | 3's and 7's @3sand7sband | Stars (Live) |
03/08/2019 1:58 | Sinisters Army @sinistersarmy | Night Falls |
03/08/2019 2:04 | Larre U-A @larre_u_a | Stand Up |
03/08/2019 2:07 | Marco Pernice @voxpopulilive | waiting for the spring |
03/08/2019 2:13 | Sepsiss @sepsissband | Black Light Invasion |
03/08/2019 2:15 | Jamendo 3 | Jamendo 3 |
03/08/2019 2:17 | Ardeth Bey @ardeth_beyuk via @veritybroughall | Double Barrel Blues |
03/08/2019 2:22 | PERK @perkband via @d8musicfinland | How I Hate Loving You |
03/08/2019 2:26 | Vlasis Diamantakos @voodooscream via @angelsprmp | Shadow Valley |
03/08/2019 2:34 | Bristol Kids @wlashjames78 | Seaside Town |
03/08/2019 2:37 | Graham Bodenham @grahambodenham | Fantasy Girl remix |
03/08/2019 2:40 | Claudia Matthews @claudiamtths | I Am Not Afraid of the Dark II |
03/08/2019 2:43 | Aura Blaze @aurablazemusic via @urbandisavirus | Good While It Lasted |
03/08/2019 2:45 | Jamendo 5 | Jamendo 5 |
03/08/2019 2:47 | Disillusive Play @disillusiveplay via @angelsprmp | HER LONELY MIND |
03/08/2019 2:52 | Pink Frosty @pinkfrostyband | Minimum Wage |
03/08/2019 2:53 | Thom Quick @thomquickmusic | My Career |
03/08/2019 2:57 | JP23Lyrics @jp23lyrics | The Lyin' (feat. Steve Dillon) |
03/08/2019 3:01 | Bourbon House @bourbonhouse_ | Devil on My Heels |
03/08/2019 3:05 | Michael Frazer @michael_fraz3r | Devil And The Deep Blue Sea |
03/08/2019 3:09 | Feathers, Wood 'N' String @featherswns | Synthetic |
03/08/2019 3:13 | Humphrey via @quitegreat | What Goes Around |
03/08/2019 3:15 | Jamendo 5 | Jamendo 5 |
03/08/2019 3:17 | Blindberry Ghost via Concorde Music Company | Endless Nights |
03/08/2019 3:22 | Daniel Steer via @manillaprltd | Green |
03/08/2019 3:25 | UFORIA @uforiaband | Crawl |
03/08/2019 3:28 | The Simple Radicals @simpleradicals via @curtaincallgrp | Medicate (Album) |
03/08/2019 3:32 | Eric & The Soo @ericthesoo | Goulais Bay |
03/08/2019 3:37 | Prysma via @angelspradverts | Lost in the sky |
03/08/2019 3:44 | Bad Analogy @badanalogyband | Hater |
03/08/2019 3:45 | Jamendo 4 | Jamendo 4 |
03/08/2019 3:47 | Rebecca Lappa @rebecca_lappa via @oddball_music | Can't Be Tamed |
03/08/2019 3:50 | We Three Kings @wethreekings_ | Do It |
03/08/2019 3:53 | Echo November @echonovband | Seventeen Years |
03/08/2019 3:57 | Antonio Escobar Jr. @elscooro | Baby Please |
03/08/2019 4:00 | Abbey Falls @abbeyfallsmusic | Cast Aside |
03/08/2019 4:06 | Pearl Handled Revolver @pearlhandledrev via @sanpruk | The Switch |
03/08/2019 4:09 | Rayon Nelson @rayonnelson via @lostinthemanor | Made Of Gold |
03/08/2019 4:14 | TraumeR via @records_roar | History |
03/08/2019 4:15 | Jamendo 5 | Jamendo 5 |
03/08/2019 4:19 | Saints Bay @saintsbayuk | Pier 39 |
03/08/2019 4:23 | Violentene @violentenemusic via @shorediverecord | Frozen Heart |
03/08/2019 4:28 | Floating Worlds @floating_worlds via @quitegreat | Retribution |
03/08/2019 4:33 | Eddy Lee Ryder @eddyleeryder via @quitegreat | Small Apartment |
03/08/2019 4:37 | George Lugatt @georgelugatt | If |
03/08/2019 4:40 | Manelik @joeaabrammusic | Be As You Are |
03/08/2019 4:44 | Eoin Glackin @eoinglackin via @manillaprltd | Eva |
03/08/2019 4:45 | Jamendo 8 | Jamendo 8 |
03/08/2019 4:47 | Rob Georg @georg_rob via @i_pr_things | Sunsets At The Ranch |
03/08/2019 4:51 | Bristol Kids @walshjames78 | A Million Times |
03/08/2019 4:55 | Cotard | Anastasis |
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