(UTC+1, Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris)
Listen on http://bit.ly/opho84F
PlayTime | Artist | Title |
09/08/2019 5:00 | Ghosttown @ost99com | Dust Inside Your Mind |
09/08/2019 5:04 | Thermostat @thermostat2 | On My Own |
09/08/2019 5:08 | Eric & The Soo @ericthesoo | Time Travelers |
09/08/2019 5:13 | Falling into Red @fallingintored | From the Ashes |
09/08/2019 5:17 | Brennan David @brennandavidmus | Look On Your Face |
09/08/2019 5:20 | Tangerine Flavour @tangerineflav via @musichunters_es | Followin' the Path of the Sun |
09/08/2019 5:23 | Brian P Matheny @phil_osifer | Oblivious |
09/08/2019 5:26 | Splendidula @splendidula1 via @inverserecords | .38 |
09/08/2019 5:30 | Crows In The Cornfield @CROWCAPTAIN | Only Girl on Mars |
09/08/2019 5:34 | Ernst Vingerhoets @ernstvingerhoe1 | To Be With You |
09/08/2019 5:36 | Briget Boyle @briget | Magic Trick |
09/08/2019 5:40 | Somedays via @lostinthemanor | When We Left |
09/08/2019 5:43 | Golden Gaze | Max and the stereo Films |
09/08/2019 5:48 | Paul Odiase & Paul Robert Thomas @paullyricist | The Undertakers Ball |
09/08/2019 5:52 | Rhys Bloodjoy @fhysbloodjoy via @kim_waves | Polly Brown |
09/08/2019 5:55 | Brent Walsh @brentwalshitm via inceptionpress | Cloud's Song |
09/08/2019 5:59 | The Phosphenes @phosphenes_au | America |
09/08/2019 6:02 | Fake Turins via @kim_waves | Afterwards |
09/08/2019 6:07 | Seasonal @seasonalbanduk via @inceptionpress | Strangers |
09/08/2019 6:10 | La Cadena Psych Jamband | Home |
09/08/2019 6:15 | Killing Tyranny @killingtyranny | Douche |
09/08/2019 6:17 | Peter Kleinhans @pkleinhansmusic | To Hell And Back |
09/08/2019 6:22 | Little Red Kings @littleredkings | Propaganda lie |
09/08/2019 6:27 | Red Light DC @redlightdcband | Red Light Club |
09/08/2019 6:29 | The Reverent Cavaliers @revcavs | 120 |
09/08/2019 6:32 | Gotelé @goteleband via @musichunters_es | Alas de cera |
09/08/2019 6:36 | Gypsy Piano Blues @gypsypianoblues | Gonna Take Away Your Blues (Acoustic) |
09/08/2019 6:42 | The Cravens @the_cravens | Border Town |
09/08/2019 6:46 | Letters of Transit @lot_band | All The Time |
09/08/2019 6:49 | Heavy Kollider @heavykollider | Stand Up |
09/08/2019 6:52 | TolbertToz @tolberttoz | Pieces |
09/08/2019 6:56 | They Called Him Zone @tchzmusic via @ambiconmusic | I Want Love |
09/08/2019 7:00 | W3Detour @w3detour | Why Not |
09/08/2019 7:04 | Chutes Too Narrow | Corporate Man |
09/08/2019 7:07 | Norðir @nordirofficial | No Hell No |
09/08/2019 7:11 | Eve To Adam @evetoadammusic via @curtaincallgrp | No Easy Way Out |
09/08/2019 7:15 | Ernst Vngerhoets @ernstvingerhoe1 | Don't Try Too Hard |
09/08/2019 7:19 | Sugar Junkies @sugarjunkiesuk | He Knows |
09/08/2019 7:23 | F.U.A. @fuaofficial1 via @wormholedeath | Cheers |
09/08/2019 7:25 | Para Lia @para_lia_band | The Man Who Went Away |
09/08/2019 7:30 | Slow Mojo | Old Side Steppin Blues |
09/08/2019 7:32 | Gravy Murphy via @metalpostcard1 | Why Chromosome |
09/08/2019 7:38 | Prey Drive @preydriveband via @redtoadmusic | Foxes |
09/08/2019 7:42 | Idle Crooks & Englishmen @icandenglishmen | Doll House |
09/08/2019 7:45 | Dealazer @dealazer | Love For Trillion |
09/08/2019 7:49 | Joakim Brättemark @jt_brattemark | Innocence Is Never Real |
09/08/2019 7:53 | Voodoo Rays @voodoorays | Orbiter |
09/08/2019 7:57 | Shadowqueen via Rav Medic | Ruin Me |
09/08/2019 8:02 | Tiny Eyes @tinyeyesmusic | Just Saying |
09/08/2019 8:04 | David Sinclair Four @ds4london via @manillaprltd | The Rolling People |
09/08/2019 8:09 | Bamil @bamilmusic | Can't Control Myself |
09/08/2019 8:13 | Sasha Raven @sasharavenmusic | Kiss Me (New Version) |
09/08/2019 8:17 | ABSTRACT MANNER @abstractmanner | PREDATOR |
09/08/2019 8:23 | Surreal Nation @surrealnationde | I Can Feel The Night |
09/08/2019 8:26 | Saint Lilly | The One |
09/08/2019 8:30 | War Waves @warwavesband via @backwater1 | Blame |
09/08/2019 8:34 | Beneath The Embers @beneathembers | Drag You To The Grave |
09/08/2019 8:38 | John Clark @johnclark_music | Stickfolk Dream, Pt. 2 |
09/08/2019 8:42 | Frank Trousdell via @bongoboyrecords | The Long Road Home |
09/08/2019 8:45 | Why Everyone Left @welpoppunk via @inceptionpress | Whiskey & Coke |
09/08/2019 8:48 | Moderate Rebels @modrebels | Beyond Hidden Words |
09/08/2019 8:52 | The Erotics @theerotics | Stop Drop Roll |
09/08/2019 8:56 | Fresh Socks @realfreshsocks | Savannah |
09/08/2019 8:59 | Broken Testimony @brokentofficial | Fade Away |
09/08/2019 9:04 | Energy Dictator @energy_dictator | Easy As Mantis |
09/08/2019 9:09 | Man eat grass @maneatgrass | Moderator |
09/08/2019 9:12 | 8$Rum @lornereid | Broken Dreams |
09/08/2019 9:16 | NATAL PRIDE @natal_pride | Confession |
09/08/2019 9:21 | Saskia Vese @saskiavese_fans | Slow Dance |
09/08/2019 9:25 | Coast To Coast @thisisc2c via @inceptionpress | Be Kind |
09/08/2019 9:28 | Silver Grime @lindhe6 via @inverserecords | Children |
09/08/2019 9:34 | Lilac Melt @lilacmelt via @infinitehive | Oxidise |
09/08/2019 9:39 | Pretty Voices @prettyvoicesfl | hush yer mouth |
09/08/2019 9:43 | Superseed @superseedrock | Messenger |
09/08/2019 9:47 | Antony Welford @antonywelford | ThePrecipice |
09/08/2019 9:52 | Kammi via @thesoundlabuk | Pick and Choose, Abuse It |
09/08/2019 9:56 | Atlas Before @atlasbefore | The Moon in the Sea (Shorter) |
09/08/2019 10:01 | Smashby @smashbyofficial | Under The Sheets |
09/08/2019 10:04 | Snipers of Babel via @curtaincallgrp | The 25th Parallel |
09/08/2019 10:08 | Spiryt | The Poison |
09/08/2019 10:11 | Wrestling @werstlingmetal | Feels Like Midnight |
09/08/2019 10:15 | Steve Jensen @scuzzoe | So So ,For So Long |
09/08/2019 10:18 | Dead Earth via @kspromotionsllc | Steel Coffins |
09/08/2019 10:21 | Taylor Rodkin @taylor_rodkin via @wailmusicmag | Morning Light |
09/08/2019 10:24 | Parmy Dhillon @parmy01 | He Must Have Cried |
09/08/2019 10:27 | Prey Drive @preydriveband via @krodrecords | Pancakes |
09/08/2019 10:30 | Hunting Holly @hunting_holly via @thesoundlabuk | Push (Well it's Over) |
09/08/2019 10:34 | Nexus2089 @nexus2089 | Whispers In The Dark |
09/08/2019 10:38 | Luciano Illuminati @lilluminati | You'll Get Yours |
09/08/2019 10:42 | Marcus Lazarus @marcuslazband | This Life |
09/08/2019 10:46 | Midnight Kahuna @midnightkahuna | Ride The Donkey |
09/08/2019 10:51 | Nocebo | Fågel Fenix |
09/08/2019 10:55 | PyraKite @pyrakite | Go High |
09/08/2019 10:59 | Phil Matthews a.k.a. the Village @thevillage9 | Carnival of Fools |
PlayTime | Artist | Title |
09/08/2019 11:01 | The Silverbeets @thesilverbeets | Watching the Sun |
09/08/2019 11:07 | Misthaven @misthaven_band | The Bless |
09/08/2019 11:11 | Hearts As Vessels @darmok | Burning Up The Night |
09/08/2019 11:14 | Monkey Fighters @monkeyfighters | She From Tiny Keg |
09/08/2019 11:18 | The 1957 Tail-Fin Fiasco @tailfinfiasco | 39 Grams |
09/08/2019 11:21 | COREIGN @coreign_ch | Handicaped (Feat. Klarissa Collins) |
09/08/2019 11:25 | Spiral Crush @curtaincallgrp | One Shot |
09/08/2019 11:28 | Empty County Band @emptycountyband | Blinded |
09/08/2019 11:31 | Jester @jestermusik via @velvetmoronrec | See Saw |
09/08/2019 11:34 | Black Hammer Voodoo @Blackhammervood | Right Now |
09/08/2019 11:37 | Brvto Amor @brvtoamoroficia | No Love At All |
09/08/2019 11:40 | The Rah's @therahsmusic | Take It All In |
09/08/2019 11:43 | Verity White @Veebear | Fade Away (Ian's Song) |
09/08/2019 11:47 | Crows In The Cornfield @CROWCAPTAIN | Longitude |
09/08/2019 11:52 | Jack Blake @12stringjack | I've Got My Pride |
09/08/2019 11:55 | Youth Killed It @youthkilledit via @inceptionpress | Headbutt |
09/08/2019 11:58 | Demons From Surf Town @demonsfromsurf via @kim_waves | Daisy |
09/08/2019 12:00 | Falling into Red @fallingintored | From the Ashes |
09/08/2019 12:04 | Templeton Universe @templetonsa | Catch The Sun |
09/08/2019 12:08 | Silent Theory @silenttheory1 via @curtaincallgrp | Fragile Minds |
09/08/2019 12:13 | Briget Boyle @briget | Pick Up |
09/08/2019 12:17 | The Underground Vault @theuvband | Colt |
09/08/2019 12:21 | Akiva @akivamusic | Ammunition |
09/08/2019 12:24 | Blackmayne @blackmayne_uk via @doomned | Vanishing Point |
09/08/2019 12:29 | Stealth @Stealthband1997 | Radiophobia (Luciferro Remix) |
09/08/2019 12:34 | Groove Scoundrels via @rokdrummer | Draggin Chain |
09/08/2019 12:39 | Come The Spring @comethespringuk | Better Now |
09/08/2019 12:43 | Thermostat @thermostat2 | TRAPPED |
09/08/2019 12:46 | The Phosphenes @phosphenes_au | You Have Mail |
09/08/2019 12:50 | Stairwell | In Flames |
09/08/2019 12:53 | Letters of Transit @lot_band | Home, Again |
09/08/2019 12:57 | Pilod @pilodband | Black Swan |
09/08/2019 13:02 | Love Child @lovechild5 | I'd Go Crazy |
09/08/2019 13:06 | Primes @primes_official | Bodies |
09/08/2019 13:09 | Graham Bodenham @grahambodenham | Fantasy Girl |
09/08/2019 13:12 | Shaune Walt @shaunewalt | In The Vein 2018(alt mix) |
09/08/2019 13:19 | I the Mighty @ithemighty via @inceptionpress | Pet Names |
09/08/2019 13:22 | Circus Redux @circusredux | Cooling Tower |
09/08/2019 13:27 | deVIence @deVience | Go Hard Or Go Home |
09/08/2019 13:30 | Ronn Van Etten @ronnvanetten | Slips away |
09/08/2019 13:35 | Jon Jones @jonesy_artist | Virtually Homeless |
09/08/2019 13:39 | Red Light DC @redlightdcband | Red Light Club |
09/08/2019 13:41 | Rough Gring @roughgrind | Hereafter |
09/08/2019 13:45 | Angeline @angelinetheband | I Wanna Know |
09/08/2019 13:49 | TolbertToz @tolberttoz | Pieces |
09/08/2019 13:53 | Saves The Day @savestheday via @inceptionpress | Side By Side |
09/08/2019 13:56 | Sergio Guarneri @sergioguarne1 | In the sunset |
09/08/2019 14:01 | Chutes Too Narrow | It Rains |
09/08/2019 14:04 | 3rd World Leader @3rdworldleads | Rusty Knife |
09/08/2019 14:08 | Jam-Tako @jam_tako3 | Nothing But You |
09/08/2019 14:12 | Mikäel @anders_mikaeel | Stayaway |
09/08/2019 14:16 | Gulf Stream Riders @ridersgulf via @d8musicfinland | Another Day |
09/08/2019 14:20 | GIL FOURNY @gournygil | CELTIC GAME |
09/08/2019 14:25 | W3Detour @w3detour | Get It Right |
09/08/2019 14:28 | Faith & Harry @faithandharry | Happy Birthday |
09/08/2019 14:31 | Ernst Vingerhoets @ernstvingerhoe1 | To Be With You |
09/08/2019 14:33 | Ugochill @ugochill | Off Grid |
09/08/2019 14:38 | Chris Scheler @chrisscheler | Narcissist |
09/08/2019 14:40 | Homesteads @homsteadsband | Because I Know |
09/08/2019 14:45 | DateMonthYear @datemonthyear | March |
09/08/2019 14:50 | ScrollKeeper @scrollkeepertx | Fortune Favors The Bold |
09/08/2019 14:54 | Sonic @sonicbandbogota | Put It Into Motion |
09/08/2019 14:58 | Brennan David @brennandavidmus | Look On Your Face |
09/08/2019 15:01 | PERK @perkband via @d8musicfinland | Something's Gotta Give (Acoustic) |
09/08/2019 15:04 | ANGELES @dalelytle via @bongoboyrecords | God, Country and King |
09/08/2019 15:10 | Rotjoch @rotjoch2014 | Stay |
09/08/2019 15:12 | Obsidian Earth @obsidianearth | Fade or Compromise |
09/08/2019 15:16 | Sarah Sunday @sarahsundaymus2 via @i_pr_things | Come And Find Me (Tycoos Trance Remix_radio Edit).wav |
09/08/2019 15:20 | Triple Creek @triplecreekband | What's Your Name |
09/08/2019 15:23 | Pablo Mercedes @pablo_rocksey_m | Bourbon & Dirty Whores |
09/08/2019 15:27 | Stelios Ventas @steliosven_tas | Faded Flower |
09/08/2019 15:30 | Zoë Evans @zoeevansmusic | Again |
09/08/2019 15:34 | P.H.E.A.R. @spreadthephear via @eatmoreerbs | Fallen |
09/08/2019 15:40 | The Cravens @the_cravens | Border Town |
09/08/2019 15:44 | Ria Parfitt @riaparfitt | Postcard |
09/08/2019 15:47 | The Dead Daisies @thedeaddaisies via @curtaincallgrp | Dead And Gone |
09/08/2019 15:50 | Nova Cascade @novacascade3c | Epiphany |
09/08/2019 15:52 | Shadowqueen via Rav Medic | Ruin Me |
09/08/2019 15:57 | Static @static_band | Disguise |
09/08/2019 16:00 | Fake Turins via @kim_waves | Afterwards |
09/08/2019 16:05 | Atlas For Home @atlasforhome via @redtoadmusic | Home |
09/08/2019 16:09 | Chasing Lana @chasing_lana via Rav Medic | Endless War |
09/08/2019 16:13 | The Speed Of Sound @speedofsounduk | Shut All The Clubs |
09/08/2019 16:16 | Havoc51 @havoc51 | Bourbon Ramblings |
09/08/2019 16:20 | Dead Earth via @kspromotionsllc | Death Ride |
09/08/2019 16:22 | Lilac Melt @lilacmelt via @infinitehive | Oxidise |
09/08/2019 16:27 | PRIMAL @primalrockband | Running Wild |
09/08/2019 16:31 | Terra Incognita via @angelspradverts | The Midnight Lies |
09/08/2019 16:34 | Saint Lilly | Promise to the Devil |
09/08/2019 16:39 | Ratts via @manillaprltd | Love At The Community Centre |
09/08/2019 16:42 | The Collegians @collegiansmusic | Vaccine |
09/08/2019 16:46 | Symetria @symetriaband via @curtaincallgrp | Time |
09/08/2019 16:50 | Ishani @ishanichakra via @lostinthemanor | Dark Angel |
09/08/2019 16:55 | Tenth Electric @tenthelectric via @deuceradioshow | Brighter |
09/08/2019 16:58 | Metaloyd @metaloydworld | Crazy World |
PlayTime | Artist | Title |
09/08/2019 17:02 | The Sleeves (HK) @the_sleeves | I Feel Alive |
09/08/2019 17:06 | Old Vinyl Club @oldvinylclub | Dutch Beer |
09/08/2019 17:10 | War Waves @warwavesband via @backwater1 | Blame |
09/08/2019 17:13 | Hearts As Vessels @darmok | Burning Up The Night |
09/08/2019 17:16 | The Silverbeets @thesilverbeets | We've Got a Groovy Thing Goin' |
09/08/2019 17:19 | Hunting Holly @hunting_holly via @thesoundlabuk | Push (Well it's Over) |
09/08/2019 17:22 | Nocebo | Fågel Fenix |
09/08/2019 17:26 | Ernst Vngerhoets @ernstvingerhoe1 | Walked Out Of My Life |
09/08/2019 17:30 | The Erotics @theerotics | Stop Drop Roll |
09/08/2019 17:34 | The Sanskars @tsanskars | So What Do You Know |
09/08/2019 17:38 | Good God Father @goodgodfatherrm | Feelings and Truth |
09/08/2019 17:42 | Spiral Crush @curtaincallgrp | One Shot |
09/08/2019 17:45 | Heavy Kollider @heavykollider | Stand Up |
09/08/2019 17:47 | Adam Hyman @adamH1966 | We're Moving On |
09/08/2019 17:51 | Wannacries @wannacries | Instafamous |
09/08/2019 17:55 | Wrestling @werstlingmetal | The Solution To All Your Problems |
09/08/2019 17:59 | Phil Matthews a.k.a. the Village @thevillage9 | Nothing Happens Here |
09/08/2019 18:02 | Bamil @bamilmusic | Can't Control Myself |
09/08/2019 18:07 | The Rallies @the_rallies | If You Do |
09/08/2019 18:10 | Pasa Flora @pasa_flora | Home's Not A Place, It's A Memory |
09/08/2019 18:14 | Little Love & The Fv @little_love_fv | Heads Down Thumbs Up |
09/08/2019 18:17 | Silver Grime @lindhe6 via @inverserecords | Children |
09/08/2019 18:23 | Mike Gordon @iammike_gordon | No Money, No Honey, Cheap Charlie |
09/08/2019 18:26 | Tiny Eyes @tinyeyesmusic | Just Saying |
09/08/2019 18:29 | Steve Jensen @scuzzoe | If It's a Crime |
09/08/2019 18:33 | Vertilizar @vertilizar_band | Pathetic |
09/08/2019 18:37 | Black Hammer Voodoo @Blackhammervood | Right Now |
09/08/2019 18:39 | Mill's End @millsendband | Drinkin is Easy Living Is Hard |
09/08/2019 18:44 | Para Lia @para_lia_band | Wait |
09/08/2019 18:48 | The Phosphenes @phosphenes_au | You Have Mail |
09/08/2019 18:52 | Barbara Borgelin @barbaraborgelin | This Is the Moment |
09/08/2019 18:56 | Moderate Rebels @modrebels | Beyond Hidden Words |
09/08/2019 19:00 | Monkey Fighters @monkeyfighters | She From Tiny Keg |
09/08/2019 19:03 | Love Child @lovechild5 | Teach Me |
09/08/2019 19:07 | The Ivory Tower Project @itpmark | How Much More? (Alternate Version) |
09/08/2019 19:12 | Moonshine Saints @moonshinesaints | Abbey Kate |
09/08/2019 19:15 | The Reverse Family @reverse_family via @manillaprltd | Seven Golden Vampires (Day Three Two Six) |
09/08/2019 19:18 | Spinball @spinball_band via @angelspradverts | How Do You Feel? |
09/08/2019 19:22 | Eric & The Soo @ericthesoo | Yesterday When I Was Young |
09/08/2019 19:26 | Brvto Amor @brvtoamoroficia | No Love At All |
09/08/2019 19:30 | Saskia Vese @saskiavese_fans | Say Hello |
09/08/2019 19:33 | Inches From Sin @frominches via @bongoboyrecords | Count On Me Feat. Jonathan Yudkin |
09/08/2019 19:37 | Bibeau @bibeautheband | The Color Blue |
09/08/2019 19:41 | Calum Foad @calumfoad | Rollercoaster |
09/08/2019 19:45 | Gotelé @goteleband via @musichunters_es | HACEDLES DESPERTAR |
09/08/2019 19:48 | Solidify @solidifybandok via @curtaincallgrp | Insomnia |
09/08/2019 19:53 | Desmond Grundy @DesmondGrundy | Count The Ways |
09/08/2019 19:55 | GIL FOURNY @fournygil | Monsieur Jack |
09/08/2019 19:58 | Longsnapper @longsnapperbk | Magenta |
09/08/2019 20:03 | Demons From Surf Town @demonsfromsurf via @kim_waves | Daisy |
09/08/2019 20:06 | Nomera @nomeratheband | Horizonte |
09/08/2019 20:13 | The Gear @thegearband | Theres a place |
09/08/2019 20:19 | Surreal Nation @surrealnationde | Hangtime |
09/08/2019 20:23 | Brian P Matheny @phil_osifer | Cycle of Apathy |
09/08/2019 20:27 | Crows In The Cornfield @CROWCAPTAIN | Longitude |
09/08/2019 20:32 | Madamn Grislee @madamngrislee | Rated R |
09/08/2019 20:36 | Youth Killed It @youthkilledit via @inceptionpress | Headbutt |
09/08/2019 20:38 | Gregg Livesay via @eatmoreerbs | International Man |
09/08/2019 20:42 | EXTHIEVES @exthieves | They Don't Care About Us |
09/08/2019 20:47 | Parmy Dhillon @parmy01 | Keep Rising |
09/08/2019 20:51 | DateMonthYear @datemonthyear | March |
09/08/2019 20:56 | LXXS @lxxstheartist | Girls Night |
09/08/2019 20:59 | Aaron V Graham @worshipbelfast | Found |
09/08/2019 21:02 | Second Hand Arms Dealer @2ndhandarmsdeal | Circus |
09/08/2019 21:07 | Wild Horse @wildhorserockuk | Fake Gold |
09/08/2019 21:10 | Gypsy Piano Blues @gypsypianoblues | Roll With Me Daddy |
09/08/2019 21:12 | Hollowstar @hollowstarband | Let You Down |
09/08/2019 21:16 | Ghosttown @ost99com | Dust Inside Your Mind |
09/08/2019 21:21 | Silent Theory @silenttheory1 via @curtaincallgrp | Fragile Minds |
09/08/2019 21:26 | Man eat grass @maneatgrass | get in, let's go for a spin |
09/08/2019 21:28 | Anomos @anomosofficial via @infinitehive | The Cult Of Pandora |
09/08/2019 21:32 | Guy Paul Thibault @gpthibault | Day Drinking |
09/08/2019 21:35 | Habberdash @habberdashuk via @ambiconmusic | What Do We Know |
09/08/2019 21:39 | Sharon West via @i_pr_things | Demons |
09/08/2019 21:43 | Somedays via @lostinthemanor | Knockout |
09/08/2019 21:46 | Sergio Guarneri @sergioguarne1 | In the sunset |
09/08/2019 21:50 | Marcus Lazarus @marcuslazband | This Life |
09/08/2019 21:55 | GIL FOURNY @gournygil | CELTIC GAME |
09/08/2019 22:00 | Saves The Day @savestheday via @inceptionpress | Side By Side |
09/08/2019 22:03 | Steph Morin @morin_steph | Last Train |
09/08/2019 22:06 | Smashby @smashbyofficial | Under The Sheets |
09/08/2019 22:09 | Faith & Harry Rowan @faithandharry | Just Be There |
09/08/2019 22:13 | Paul Maged @themagedman | The Resistance |
09/08/2019 22:17 | Dealazer @dealazer | Love For Trillion |
09/08/2019 22:21 | Tangerine Flavour @tangerineflav via @musichunters_es | Hurt Me |
09/08/2019 22:24 | Sweet Ignitions @sweetignitions via @manillaprltd | Holy Scars |
09/08/2019 22:27 | Cocoa Futures @cocoafuture via @lostinthemanor | Big Time |
09/08/2019 22:30 | ABSTRACT MANNER @abstractmanner | PREDATOR |
09/08/2019 22:37 | Zoë Evans @zoeevansmusic | Again |
09/08/2019 22:40 | Briget Boyle @briget | Magic Trick |
09/08/2019 22:44 | Broken Testimony @brokentofficial | Medusa |
09/08/2019 22:48 | Energy Dictator @energy_dictator | Easy As Mantis |
09/08/2019 22:53 | Superseed @superseedrock | Messenger |
09/08/2019 22:57 | Jester @jestermusik via @velvetmoronrec | See Saw |
09/08/2019 22:59 | Falling into Red @fallingintored | Burns So Slow |
PlayTime | Artist | Title |
09/08/2019 23:03 | Luciano Illuminati @lilluminati | You'll Get Yours |
09/08/2019 23:07 | Lawsuit @shakypubco | Too Young To Die |
09/08/2019 23:10 | Jon Jones @jonesy_artist | Virtually Homeless |
09/08/2019 23:13 | Light Years @lightyearsoh via @inceptionpress | Graveyard |
09/08/2019 23:16 | Pretty Voices @prettyvoicesfl | Radishes |
09/08/2019 23:20 | Joakim Brättemark @jt_brattemark | Innocence Is Never Real |
09/08/2019 23:23 | Exitpenguin @jepist011 via @thesoundlabuk | Parceltape suit (Ft. Sean) |
09/08/2019 23:27 | VERIDIA @veridia via @deuceradioshow | I Won't Stay Down |
09/08/2019 23:30 | PRIMAL @primalrockband | Running Wild |
09/08/2019 23:34 | Pilod @pilodband | Black Swan |
09/08/2019 23:38 | Sick Message System (SMS) | JE NE VEUX QUE TOI |
09/08/2019 23:43 | HEY LIFE @heylifeofficial | Here's the Thing About Lilith |
09/08/2019 23:47 | DemonScar @demonscarnyc | All The Same |
09/08/2019 23:50 | FTK @feedthekidmusic | STRANGE TIMES |
09/08/2019 23:54 | Black Lotus @bandblacklotus via @inverserecords | Sons Of Saturn |
10/08/2019 0:02 | Primes @primes_official | Bodies |
10/08/2019 0:05 | NastiGi @gi_nasti | Alone In My Mind |
10/08/2019 0:08 | Fake Turins via @kim_waves | Afterwards |
10/08/2019 0:13 | 8$Rum @lornereid | Broken Dreams |
10/08/2019 0:17 | Coast To Coast @thisisc2c via @inceptionpress | The Sun Is Dim |
10/08/2019 0:22 | Static @static_band | Disguise |
10/08/2019 0:26 | Thermostat @thermostat2 | TRAPPED |
10/08/2019 0:28 | Siksided @siksided | Leave no stone unturned - Leaf |
10/08/2019 0:34 | Moderate Rebels @modrebels via @lostinthemanor | Faith & Science |
10/08/2019 0:37 | lemonTREE @lemontreerocks | Big City Lights |
10/08/2019 0:41 | Bourbon House @bourbonhouserox | Old Man Blues |
10/08/2019 0:45 | Just About Done @justaboutdoneau via @inceptionpress | 1029 |
10/08/2019 0:49 | Misthaven @misthaven_band | The Bless |
10/08/2019 0:53 | Killing Tyranny @killingtyranny | Douche |
10/08/2019 0:55 | Empty County Band @emptycountyband | Blinded |
10/08/2019 0:59 | Seasonal @seasonalbanduk via @inceptionpress | Strangers |
10/08/2019 1:02 | Silverspork @silversporkusa via @curtaincallgrp | Murmur |
10/08/2019 1:05 | Obsidian Earth @obsidianearth | Behind the Crown |
10/08/2019 1:08 | Chutes Too Narrow | Salt |
10/08/2019 1:11 | Ugochill @ugochill | Off Grid |
10/08/2019 1:16 | Pablo Mercedes @pablo_rocksey_m | Bourbon & Dirty Whores |
10/08/2019 1:19 | Akiva @akivamusic | Ammunition |
10/08/2019 1:22 | The Erotics @theerotics | Stop Drop Roll |
10/08/2019 1:26 | Pet Virus @petvirus_ | Can I Speak To Dirt? |
10/08/2019 1:29 | Shadey Scandals @shadey_scandals | Just another week |
10/08/2019 1:32 | Metaloyd @metaloydworld | Crazy World |
10/08/2019 1:36 | Blackmayne @blackmayne_uk via @doomned | Vanishing Point |
10/08/2019 1:40 | ANGELES @dalelytle via @bongoboyrecords | God, Country and King |
10/08/2019 1:45 | Barbara Borgelin @barbaraborgelin | This Is the Moment |
10/08/2019 1:49 | Ernst Vngerhoets @ernstvingerhoe1 | Walked Out Of My Life |
10/08/2019 1:53 | The Dead Daisies @thedeaddaisies via @curtaincallgrp | Dead And Gone |
10/08/2019 1:56 | Vertilizar @vertilizar_band | The End Is Near |
10/08/2019 2:00 | Superbob @superbobmusic via @curtaincallgrp | Superfly |
10/08/2019 2:03 | Midnight Kahuna @midnightkahuna | The Kokopelli Song |
10/08/2019 2:08 | Gulf Stream Riders @ridersgulf via @d8musicfinland | Another Day |
10/08/2019 2:11 | Spiral Rocks @spiralrocks | Sunflowers |
10/08/2019 2:14 | New Mecanica via @wormholedeath | A Second |
10/08/2019 2:18 | Golden Gaze | Max and the stereo Films |
10/08/2019 2:23 | Gotelé @goteleband via @musichunters_es | Centeno |
10/08/2019 2:26 | Demons From Surf Town @demonsfromsurf via @kim_waves | Daisy |
10/08/2019 2:29 | NeverWake @neverwakemusic via @curtaincallgrp | Are You In There |
10/08/2019 2:33 | Ria Parfitt @riaparfitt | Postcard |
10/08/2019 2:36 | Peter Kleinhans @pkleinhansmusic | 3,000,000 Years |
10/08/2019 2:40 | The Senton Bombs @thesentonbombs via @manillaprltd | Outsiders |
10/08/2019 2:44 | Nocebo | Fågel Fenix |
10/08/2019 2:48 | Steve Hewitt @stevehewittshm | Move On |
10/08/2019 2:52 | The Phosphenes @phosphenes_au | Luther |
10/08/2019 2:56 | Anthony Gomes @anthonygomes | Come Down |
10/08/2019 3:00 | Rebel Heart @rebelheartrockband via @wailmusicmag | Self-Made Man |
10/08/2019 3:04 | All Taken @alltaken_band | Smells Like Mistakes |
10/08/2019 3:07 | Sugar Junkies @sugarjunkiesuk | Star |
10/08/2019 3:11 | Brian P Matheny @phil_osifer | Oblivious |
10/08/2019 3:15 | Lake Acacia @lakeacacia via @newlevelmgmt | Self Restraint |
10/08/2019 3:18 | David Ryan @davidryanmusic | Give Me Your Love |
10/08/2019 3:20 | Youth Killed It @youthkilledit via @inceptionpress | Headbutt |
10/08/2019 3:23 | Justin Faye @justinfaye | LET ME SMOKE YOUR SWEET LIPS, AGAIN |
10/08/2019 3:27 | Hidden Cabins @hiddencabins via @ambiconmusic | The One That Got Out |
10/08/2019 3:32 | Slow Mojo | Old Side Steppin Blues |
10/08/2019 3:35 | Sarah Sunday @sarahsundaymus2 via @i_pr_things | Come And Find Me (Tycoos Trance Remix_radio Edit).wav |
10/08/2019 3:39 | ELEMENTO ZERO EZ @elementozeroez | Onde Eu Devo Estar |
10/08/2019 3:43 | Blast Bomb @blastbombhh via @kim_waves | Burn History |
10/08/2019 3:46 | Wrestling @werstlingmetal | Feels Like Midnight |
10/08/2019 3:50 | Barry mcloughlin @locklinmac | Never Forget |
10/08/2019 3:53 | Saint Lilly | The One |
10/08/2019 3:57 | Desmond Grundy @DesmondGrundy | Godot |
10/08/2019 4:00 | Spiral Crush @curtaincallgrp | One Shot |
10/08/2019 4:03 | Gravy Murphy via @metalpostcard1 | Why Chromosome |
10/08/2019 4:09 | Lucy, Racquel and me @LucyRacquelandM | Inside my vault |
10/08/2019 4:12 | The Dead Daisies @thedeaddaisies via @curtaincallrecords | Can't Take It With You |
10/08/2019 4:15 | Mission Jupiter @m_j_band | Impulse |
10/08/2019 4:18 | Reise @reisemusic | August Moon (Radio Edit) |
10/08/2019 4:22 | Triple Creek @triplecreekband | What's Your Name |
10/08/2019 4:25 | Velvet Starlings @velvetstarlings | Sold Down the River |
10/08/2019 4:30 | Jack Blake @12stringjack | I've Got My Pride |
10/08/2019 4:32 | Symetria @symetriaband via @curtaincallgrp | Time |
10/08/2019 4:37 | Voodoo Rays @voodoorays | Orbiter |
10/08/2019 4:41 | Para Lia @para_lia_band | The Man Who Went Away |
10/08/2019 4:46 | GIL FOURNY @fournygil | ASTURIAS |
10/08/2019 4:49 | Angeline @angelinetheband | I Wanna Know |
10/08/2019 4:53 | Fate Destroyed @fatedestroyed via @curtaincallgrp | Break Free |
10/08/2019 4:57 | Idle Crooks & Englishmen @icandenglishmen | Doll House |
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